Unchromed is a group project of a 3D puzzle platformer that has to be played with two people on the same keyboard.
Example code:
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; public class HighScoreManager : MonoBehaviour { //--------------- //PUBLIC VARIABLES //--------------- //AMOUNT OF SCORES YOU WANT TO SAVE public int AmountOfScores = 20; //NAME OF THE CURRENT PLAYER public string PlayerName = "Player"; //SCORE STRUCT THAT CONTAINS THE LEVELTIME AND PLAYERNAME public struct Score { public float levelTime; public string playerName; } //--------------- //PRIVATE VARIABLES //--------------- //--------------- //PUBLIC METHODS //--------------- //Get the name of the player //no paramaters public string GetPlayerName() { return PlayerName; } //Set the player name //give the name as a paramater public void SetPlayerName(string name) { PlayerName = name; } //Use this function to add a highscore to the playerprefs //Give the levelName, time it took to complete the level and playerName public void AddHighScore(string levelName, float levelTime, string playerName) { //add a score to the counter, initialize the key if there is none if (!PlayerPrefs.HasKey(levelName)) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(levelName, 0); } //create a Score variable Score inputScores; inputScores.levelTime = levelTime; inputScores.playerName = playerName; //Create and Initialize array to put the highscores in List<score> highScoreList = GetHighScores(levelName); //loop through array and push the scores inbetween bool notAssigned = true; if (highScoreList.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < highScoreList.Count; i++) { if (highScoreList[i].levelTime > levelTime) { highScoreList.Insert(i, inputScores); notAssigned = false; break; } } } else { highScoreList.Insert(0,inputScores); notAssigned = false; } if (notAssigned) { highScoreList.Insert(highScoreList.Count, inputScores); notAssigned = false; } //Assign the values to the playerprefs, only loop for the amount of scores there should be saved for (int i = 0; i < highScoreList.Count; i++) { string scoreName = ("HighScore_" + levelName + "_" + i).ToString(); PlayerPrefs.SetString(scoreName + "_Value", highScoreList[i].levelTime.ToString("F1")); PlayerPrefs.SetString(scoreName, highScoreList[i].playerName); } if (PlayerPrefs.HasKey(levelName)) { PlayerPrefs.SetInt(levelName, PlayerPrefs.GetInt(levelName) + 1); } } //Display the scores in a textbox //Give the levelname and the place to put the text public void DisplayHighScores(string levelName, UnityEngine.UI.Text textBox) { textBox.text = ""; var scores = GameManager.SingleTon().GetHighScoreManager().GetHighScores(levelName); foreach (Score score in scores) { textBox.text += score.playerName + " : " + score.levelTime + "\n"; } } //--------------- //PRIVATE METHODS //--------------- //Get a list with the highscores //give the name as a parameter private List<score> GetHighScores(string levelName) { List<score> highScoreList = new List<score>(); //initialize array for (int i = 0; i < PlayerPrefs.GetInt(levelName); i++) { string scoreName = ("HighScore_" + levelName + "_" + i).ToString(); Score tempScore; bool tryParse = true; //Try to parse the value to a float tryParse = float.TryParse(PlayerPrefs.GetString(scoreName + "_Value"), out tempScore.levelTime); //if parsing doesn't work, put the value on 0 if (!tryParse) { tempScore.levelTime = 0.0f; } tempScore.playerName = PlayerPrefs.GetString(scoreName); highScoreList.Add(tempScore); } return highScoreList; } }